
Over his forty-year career, Ilchi Lee has developed various mind-body methods for wellness and fulfillment. All these methods, including his Body & Brain Yoga and Tai Chi practice, fall under a system Ilchi Lee calls Brain Education.
The foundation of this system is a combination of the ancient Korean mind-body practice of Sundo, his own personal experience of training himself and others, and insights from modern science.
Brain Education gives people the tools they need to take back their brain to take ownership of their life. Rather than letting the brain unconsciously operate from disempowering information, bad habits, and limiting social norms, Brain Education helps people consciously choose what they want to be and become the master of their life.
Ilchi Lee’s methods take the practitioner through five steps to self-mastery:

Step 1
Brain Sensitizing
Awaken and enhance the senses of your body and brain.

Step 2
Brain Versatilizing
Develop physical and mental flexibility and make your brain more resilient.

Step 3
Brain Refreshing
Release negative emotions and thoughts for healing and renewal.

Step 4
Brain Integrating
Use your whole brain and reshape your core beliefs to unleash your potential.

Step 5
Brain Mastering
Build and refine the previous steps for a life of self-mastery.

His Movement: Earth Citizen
While Ilchi Lee’s Brain Education empowers you to find your true purpose and take the steps you need to live it, it does not stop there. Through the five steps, Brain Education practitioners grow their compassion for others. They break down the dams holding back their innate energy, passion, and sense of oneness. Brain Education drives people to help others in the process of helping themselves—what Ilchi Lee calls widely benefitting, or Hongik in his native Korean.
It also helps you recognize a common identity that is greater than nationality, belief system, personality, or race. Ilchi Lee calls that common identity “Earth Citizen.”
He has spearheaded an Earth Citizen Movement and aims to inspire one percent of the earth’s population or one hundred million people to experience their true self and life purpose and take on the identity of Earth Citizen. Earth Citizens are stewards of the Earth and all its inhabitants.
Through non-profits Ilchi Lee founded, such as the Earth Citizens Organization (ECO), many people participated in teaching mind-body exercises in their communities, learning organic farming and eco-friendly lifestyle, and hosting community festivals and walks for spreading awareness and fundraising.