Our misconceptions about what it means to be spiritual may be hindering our spiritual growth. When people think of someone…
How Can You Develop Inspiration?
Meet challenges with inspiration by embracing them with a pure heart and a calm, present mind.
Meet Noettori and Activate Your Brain’s Creative Power
Meet Noettori, who inspires us to activate our inner potential and live with peace and purpose.
Discover How Understanding Oneness Leads to Life Mastery
By awakening to the concept of oneness, we can transcend life’s challenges, master our lives, and realize our ultimate freedom.
Pull Up Your Life: Overcoming Limits
Small, consistent steps in overcoming physical limits, like mastering a pull-up, can boost our confidence and strength, revealing our true potential.
I Am a White Dragon
This image I made many years ago has kept coming to mind lately. It is a painting I call “White…
Song: Love Is the Flower of Life
In a world clogged with ugly messages, in which we keep hearing of division and mutual destruction, I would like to share love and beauty with you, simply and purely.
All We Have Is Love
Words have power. They influence our energy field, our hearts, and our brains. Here is a power phrase for you.