
The Power of Interest

We all know about the power of positive thinking, but did you know that just showing interest in something makes…
Ilchi Lee video thumbnail - peace on earth

Dreaming Big Dreams


In this personal interview, Ilchi Lee encourages everyone to dream big dreams and realize their unlimited worth and potential. It all depends on how you manage your brain–your thoughts, habits, and values. He also shares his dream of a world in which everyone is free and able to live up to their potential, and together create peace on earth.

Ilchi Lee

Brain Wave Vibration Creation Story


Ilchi Lee relates the story about how he was lead to create Brain Wave Vibration after falling off a horse. Brain Wave Vibration is a simple method of getting ki (chi, qi) flowing so your body can heal itself better.

Ilchi Lee Brain Wave Vibration interview

[Video] Ilchi Lee Explains Brain Wave Vibration

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In this video, Ilchi Lee explains how his Brain Wave Vibration method improves concentration and relieves stress, allowing practitioners to be more healthy, successful, ethical, and considerate of their communities, countries, and the world.

Ilchi Lee responding to an interview

Brain Wave Vibration Explained


Ilchi Lee explains how his Brain Wave Vibration method improves concentration and relieves stress, allowing practitioners to be more healthy, successful, ethical, and considerate of their communities, countries, and the world.

Girl holding the earth - Ilchi Lee's Prayer of Peace

Prayer of Peace

This “Prayer of Peace” was presented by Ilchi Lee at the United Nations Millennium World Peace Summit of Religious and…

Welcome to

Ilchi Lee welcomes you to his personal website, There Ilchi Lee shares inspiration and useful information for a healthy…
Ilchi Lee playing the flute

Meditation Is Play

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Ilchi Lee talks about how he often plays music when he’s alone Playing musical instruments without thought or notes in…
Ilchi Lee helping to clean up an oil spill in South Korea

Everyone’s Earth

In 2007, an oil spill polluted the coasts of Taean County in South Korea. At that time, many citizens from…