Brain Power

young man in industrial setting

A Human-Centered Education System

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There needs to be a shift from the often stressful education system focused on academic competition to a system of education that respects the minds of the youth, an updated model that I refer to as a human-centered education.

girl with a paper with a sad face in front of her face

Depression: The Starting Point


The most serious mental health issue faced by today’s society is depression. To find the answer we must look inside of the brain. The responsibility to improve the quality of your life and cure depression lies with you.

When Faced with a Crisis

A crisis is a dangerous opportunity as well as a great opportunity. What you choose is what matters. First, ask…
neural synapses

Choose Happiness

The essence of happiness is found in your brain. Particular hormones released in your brain make you feel happy. You…

Creating Miracles

[Photo by Boyarkinamarina via Envato Elements] If you haven’t created miracles in your life, do you understand why? Miracles can…
older woman celebrating

Stay in the Rhythm


The world with which we are constantly colliding is always new. Memory and experience do not particularly serve us. In fact, they actually become constructs and ruts that hinder us from seeing things in a new way and taking on new challenges.

5 Steps of Brain Education

Why Brain Education?

Although all people have brains, they may don’t know their brains well and may not have had a personal experience…