Discover how profound positivity rooted in Tao consciousness can help you overcome the fear of unrealistic optimism and unlock your potential to create real-life miracles.
Brain Power
Five Steps to Clearing Mental Clutter with Information Fasting
Discover the power of an information fast to rest and recharge our minds and to allow us to uncover the true self we have inside.
Informational Spring Cleaning: Cleaning Out the Closets of Our Mind
Make a happiness circuit in your brain while clearing your unconscious mind with meditation and a positive mindset.
5 Ways to Unlock Your Unconscious Mind for Creative Manifestation
Say, imagine, and practice what you will create with the divine consciousness of coexistence, and your unconscious mind will align with your past, release it, and open up a new future.
Strengthen Your Mind with Muscle Power
Unlock your brain’s power with muscle-building exercises—boost creativity, focus, and well-being effortlessly.
Building a Healthy Brain from the Ground Up
Our brains closely link to the rest of our body. Taking good care of our bodies, especially our guts, helps us take good care of our brains.
5 Daily Actions for Total Transformation
Make your life dynamic and creative with small positive actions you take every day.
How to Use Subtle Energy to Break Bad Habits
Habits are choices we’ve made over and over again until they’ve become automatic and hardwired into our brain. We can use energetic principles to change habits that are not serving us well and root them out at the energetic level.