
superhero girl

Live in the First Person


However, an era of spiritual enlightenment is not a time of him or her or them. It’s a time in which the self is important and you create you. You have to exist in order for there to be a him or her or them—even the country and the earth.

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What Is Your Value?


Do you know for what you should live? It doesn’t matter whether you’re the queen ant or not. What matters is knowing what your soul wants and acting on it.

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Just Press the Button

I hope that even if you live for just one day that it’s the happiest day. Happiness is not something…
Ilchi Lee speaking to a meditation group at Sedona Mago Retreat in the Healing Garden

It’s Your Choice

On December 10, 2011, I gave an outdoor lecture to a group of people from Korea doing a meditation tour…