
Earth as a central value - Ilchi Lee

By What Values Do You Live?


By clinging faithfully to the earth as a central value, you can live as one with all humanity. When everyone respects each other from a perspective of the earth as our central value, then we will be able to lay the groundwork for true peace.

drops under water

Make Your Life Your Own


Do you feel lonely and empty inside, even when you are with your loved ones? Do you wonder who you really are and what your purpose in life is? If that is the case, then you probably are missing yourself in your life.

older woman celebrating

Stay in the Rhythm


The world with which we are constantly colliding is always new. Memory and experience do not particularly serve us. In fact, they actually become constructs and ruts that hinder us from seeing things in a new way and taking on new challenges.

5 Steps of Brain Education

Why Brain Education?

Although all people have brains, they may don’t know their brains well and may not have had a personal experience…
woman walking along a stone meditation labyrinth

Do You Love Your Work?


Only when you find yourself will you find your path. It’s not something you can locate because somebody tells you to go there. It’s something your soul has to discover.

muslim girls looking over at a laptop screen

A New Future with Earth Management

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If we were managing the whole earth, then we wouldn’t have 16 thousand children starving every day. I think it’s time for people who have power and influence to get together and create some kind of system for managing the earth.

The Call of Sedona cover

Thank You for Your Questions About The Call of Sedona (Part 1)

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A teacher from a North Las Vegas high school who read my book, The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart, introduced it to the seniors in her World Literature classes. They discussed the book, and then the students emailed their impressions to me through and