Your choices in life are reflected in your face. Determine your own destiny by the actions you take. Believe in your brain and have a grand dream, and you will have a beautiful face.
My Wife
Ilchi Lee expresses his appreciation for his wife, who has supported him and worked by his side.
Study of My Workspace #3: The Eye of the Avatar
Our conscience comes from a place of absolute consciousness, or absolute truth. When we watch ourselves through the eyes of our conscience, we can be steadfast, stable, and confidence in an ever-changing world.
Study of My Workspace #2: A Life of Honest Poverty or Honest Wealth?
Should we live a life of honest poverty or honest wealth? What’s important is the word “honest,” which in this case means making a choice to live by certain upright principles. In this next installment of Ilchi Lee’s study of his workspace, he compares the simple life of the Buddhist monk Beopjeong, whose books sit on his shelf, to that of the affluent Choi family. Which life would you choose?
Study of My Workspace #1: What mask should I try on today?
Every day we choose a mask with which we face the world. Our masks are transient and changeable, unlike our true selves. On what do we base our decision? What mask will you wear today?
My Room, Myself
Ilchi Lee begins to introduce a room he uses to work, play, and study, in order to explore how to live a long life full of health and vitality.
My Adventure with Aloe
Even the smallest actions and obstacles can teach life lessons. Here Ilchi Lee shares what he learned during one dinnertime adventure.
An Eye for the Seasons
Poem by Ilchi Lee that reflects on the benefit of developing a wider mind that can see the big picture, prepare for the future, and achieve beautiful goals by mastering time.
Hong Ik Hope
This poem explores the deeper meaning of Hong Ik, one of Ilchi Lee’s core philosophies that comes from traditional Korean culture.
Our Body Is a Playground: Bowing for Health and Vitality
When I do 103 bows every morning, I undergo a mind-body workout that clarifies my goals and energizes my day. This moving meditation strengthens the connection between my body and mind so I can manage my overall health effectively.