The world with which we are constantly colliding is always new. Memory and experience do not particularly serve us. In fact, they actually become constructs and ruts that hinder us from seeing things in a new way and taking on new challenges.
Catch Your Dreams
You can turn sleep into spiritual training by ruling your sleep and making use of your dreams.
Enlightenment Is Not an Intellectual Exercise
Do You Love Your Work?
Only when you find yourself will you find your path. It’s not something you can locate because somebody tells you to go there. It’s something your soul has to discover.
The Law of the Earth and Life
Thank You for Your Questions About The Call of Sedona (Part 1)
A teacher from a North Las Vegas high school who read my book, The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart, introduced it to the seniors in her World Literature classes. They discussed the book, and then the students emailed their impressions to me through and
Live in the First Person
However, an era of spiritual enlightenment is not a time of him or her or them. It’s a time in which the self is important and you create you. You have to exist in order for there to be a him or her or them—even the country and the earth.
Love Is the Answer
What Is Your Value?
Do you know for what you should live? It doesn’t matter whether you’re the queen ant or not. What matters is knowing what your soul wants and acting on it.
LifeParticle TV: The Vortex of a New Spiritual Culture
There was such an intense contrast between the wretchedness and beauty that, in that moment, the recognition that the fate of humanity was my fate bored into my heart.