zero point

Woman Meditating

To Change, Step Beyond Emotion


We have to let go of whatever we hold in our hands in order to hold something new. In the same way, genuine choice and change finally become possible in a pure state that is emptied of thoughts and emotions.

man on a dock looking out over a lake

Set Your Consciousness Free

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We spend so much time looking around us, rather than really observing ourselves, that we lose confidence, dignity, and self-respect.…
empty stemmed glass

Experience Your Pure Soul

Your soul is emotionless and weightless. It is colorless and odorless. It is emptiness and nothingness. What you experience when…

Take Back Your Brain!

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Many people correctly understand what it means to master their brains. Some, on the other hand, wonder whether there was ever a time when they weren’t the master of their brain. How could it be possible not to be the master of their brain?

Ilchi Lee at Oak Creek in Sedona, Arizona

Hearing the Call of the Earth


The waters of Oak Creek ripple through the Verde Valley bringing the green blush of deciduous trees hinted at in the valley’s name. I sat on the bank of one part of the creek recently, dangling my feet in the chill water.