Adjust the earth, fire, wood, water, and metal elements inside and around you to keep your life on the right track.
Building a Healthy Brain from the Ground Up
Our brains closely link to the rest of our body. Taking good care of our bodies, especially our guts, helps us take good care of our brains.
Four Ways to Be a Good Listener without Losing Yourself
Manage your energy so you can stay open yet centered as you give a speaker your full attention and empathy.
Ten Values to Live By for Everyday Enlightenment
Use these simple ways to cultivate your spiritual side and create a more fulfilling life.
Ilchi Lee’s Qigong for Boosting Energy and Transcending Stress Every Day
Eating and sleeping well are not enough to replenish your energy. Build up your internal energy, your qi, through practices such as qigong.
5 Daily Actions for Total Transformation
Make your life dynamic and creative with small positive actions you take every day.
Energy Exercises for Cold and Flu Prevention and Alleviation
Meridian exercises release cold energy from key areas of the body that can lead to or amplify cold and flu symptoms.
Calm Down with Barefoot Walking
Walking on the earth with our bare feet can bring down our anxiety, the energy in our head, our inflammation, and maybe even our pain.
4 Self-Care Habits for Harmonious Coexistence
Natural health and self-care are the foundation of a life of harmonious coexistence.