Change Documentary Film Premiere
Last Tuesday, April 16, 2013, 243 people gathered at the Sedona Creative Life Center for a red carpet premiere of the documentary film Change: The LifeParticle Effect, for which Ilchi Lee was the inspiration and executive producer.
Choose and Act Right Now
We are standing at a crossroads—a moment of destiny in which one of two options must be chosen. Is humankind to come to an end, or will there be a new and great beginning? One by one, each of us takes a step forward choosing the path that we wish for our world, every action another step.
Visions of Greatness
A common trap of spiritual aspirations is that they provide us grandiose visions of becoming higher beings of grace and authority.
Like the First Time, Every Time
Today Is a New Day!
The Good, the Bad, and the Chocolate Ice Cream
Playing with Emotion
Happiness and peace are not something that your neighbors need to bring to you. You make happiness and peace yourself.
Make Your Life Your Own
Do you feel lonely and empty inside, even when you are with your loved ones? Do you wonder who you really are and what your purpose in life is? If that is the case, then you probably are missing yourself in your life.