

The Answer Is Choice

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The answer to solving the world’s problems, even your personal problems, is using your brain well. That means not being…
golden flower

The Secret of the Golden Flower


This poem is published in my book, Songs of Enlightenment. I’d like to share it with you now to remind you to find your golden flower, the bird of your soul.

Ilchi Lee | birth from death

Birth from Death

Every tree is meant to die and rot away, but rather than everything being over just because it died, through…
Sunset meditation

To Know the Soul

Many people speak of peace. Many philosophies and traditions talk of the soul. But often, the soul and peace are…
sunset behind a silhouetted tree and hill

Sunrise Meditation

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Light can change your energy, change your thoughts, and change your emotions. Light can change selfishness to compassion, judgment to…
the heads of a circle of people

The Best Community

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A community works together, shares common values, helps each other, supports its members, inspires impressive action, can achieve greater things…
fire behind a metal grate

Light the Fire of Achievement

To accomplish any goal, you need focus and power. Your power comes from your lower dahnjon, or energy center, in…
Older woman walking on the beach

Complete Your Life with Movement

If you are conscious, move. If you have a mind, walk. Moving is proof that you’re alive. It’s about controlling…