
center of a red rose

Did I not love you?


The song to you called “Did I Not Love You?” by the Norwegian duo, Secret Garden, touched Ilchi Lee’s heart so much he played it for the people he loves and wants to share it with everyone.

True Freedom


There has always been great spirit at the heart of great human triumphs and victories. This spirit has been called “conscience” or “conviction.”

Ilchi Lee and horse

Courage Despite Fear


From my experience of getting back on the horse that threw me and left be bedridden for a month, I realized that true courage isn’t about not being afraid, but about moving forward anyway in the face of certain fear. Fear cannot be conquered through thinking alone. Fear can be chased away only through action.

Korean volunteer Kookhak qigong instructors

Heartfelt Gathering of 5000 Volunteer Instructors

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Five thousand volunteer instructors gathered at the Han People Historic and Cultural Park in Cheonan-si, South Korea on the evening of July 3, 2010. They united because of their passion for sharing health, happiness and peace through free Dahn Yoga classes in their local parks. Ilchi Lee joined them to give a lecture and training in the Earth Kigong form.

Earth Citizens

Can Our Economic System Really Change?


It’s time for a new economy to emerge based on the Hong Ik values of benevolence, philanthropy, collective thinking, and peace that are natural to our brains. These values can be brought out with Brain Education.

ilchi lee cleaning oil on a beach

Everyone’s Earth


By planting love for the earth in our brains, we will gain the power and wisdom for creative solutions to many of the challenges humanity is currently facing.

sun over a grassy field

The Sun in the Shade


We all have positive and negative aspects we can use harmoniously to achieve a great dream for humanity. Let your inner sun shine through the emotions and desires that cover it.

sunrise behind hazy hills and a lonely tree

One Day, One Night

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Anyone who wants to can reach a state of enlightenment in which you become one with the divinity in your brain. Then you will experience the infinite potential and vitality of life and radiate a beautiful inner light.

Looking with Both Heart and Mind

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By looking at reality through both your heart and mind, you can develop a deeper and wider perspective. With this perspective, you can reach any destination you seek, and enjoy the scenery along the way.