Time for Humanity to AwakenFebruary 21, 20201 CommentI dream of a world where all are equal, with no one high or low, where the value of each…
New Brain Education Institute for Peace Project in El SalvadorMay 27, 20190In the wake of Brain Education’s success in Salvadoran schools, the Brain Education Institute for Peace will be established in San…
Peace Is in the BrainJune 14, 20180All human beings have a key allowing them to feel inner peace, empowering them to create peace in life and…
Thank You to My FatherMay 3, 20172 CommentsOn a clear, bright, and warm spring day in April, my father went into eternal life. He embarked on his…
Action Comes First, Thinking Comes NextJanuary 10, 20170With the first Earth Citizen Festival coming up in less than three weeks, my team in New Zealand and I…
Flow with the Great Wave of LifeNovember 11, 20160Oftentimes, an ocean raging with rough waves and storms makes us afraid and uncomfortable. However, from the viewpoint of the…
In Remembrance of September 11thSeptember 11, 20160I wrote this poem after the tragic events in the United States on September 11, 2001. On the fifteenth anniversary,…
Ilchi Lee’s New Earth Management Book Is Collaboration with Western ProfessorAugust 18, 20160Ilchi Lee will add another book to the list of one’s he’s authored with Earth Management: A Dialogue on Ancient…
Ilchi Lee Gave Speech at 66th UN DPI/NGO ConferenceJune 10, 20160Ilchi Lee attended the the 66th United Nations Department of Public Information (DPI)/Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) Conference in South Korea that was…
What Can You Do to Help?April 29, 20160Recently, Korea remembered the 2nd anniversary of the Sewol Ferry incident and Japan and Ecuador experienced earthquakes that rocked the…