Though I am now traveling around the United States doing events for my latest book, The Call of Sedona: Journey of the Heart, I am still sending LifeParticles to everyone through the “Crystal Palace” I built in Sedona, Arizona. It’s an octagonal room filled with crystals I’ve been collecting over the 15 years or so I’ve lived in Sedona.
Last December I finally found the crystal that completed the room, and in the beginning of January I managed to buy it and place it on a pedestal in the center of the room beneath a pointed skylight in the ceiling. I had seen this crystal when in deep meditation, and received the message that the room would not be complete without it.
The crystal is a rare and precious specimen of aquamarine. Unlike most mined aquamarine, the several clear blue shards are still attached to their feldspar base. When I first saw it, I knew it was the aquamarine I needed. The energy that vibrates from it is pure LifeParticles like that of the soul of the Earth and the soul of every human being. So I named the crystal the Soul of Mago.

The Soul of Mago has inspired a new project— From this website, I will send LifeParticles from the vortexes in Sedona through light, sound, and messages. It’s the next step in the story I tell in The Call of Sedona—a story of my quest to share Mago’s message of peace and harmony, and to help everyone realize they have a great and everlasting soul in their hearts that will guide them to happiness and fulfillment through caring for themselves, other beings, and the Earth itself.
All of that can be accomplished if we start by regularly practicing breathing, meditation, and awakened, or benevolent, living. One simple meditation uses the strong, purifying power of the Soul of Mago aquamarine. All crystals are associated with certain properties, and aquamarine is closely associated with the characteristics of water: purity, clarity, healing, love, life-giving, encompassing, accepting, compassion, flexibility, variety, freedom, openness, fearlessness, sensitivity, responsiveness, balance, harmony, and completion. By focusing on an image of the Soul of Mago, especially its aqua blue color, you can experience these characteristics. Most people especially experience a light but profound sense of peace by meditating on this aquamarine.
The Soul of Mago embodies the spiritual civilization we all can create in 2012, and it is a tool I’m sharing with you to help you create the consciousness you need to achieve it. Now is the time to express the greatness we hold inside.
5 Comments. Leave new
I am very grateful for this beautiful living symbol of the greatness within…thank you, Ilchi Seuseungnim.
With love and gratitude,
Thank you for sharing. i felt aquamarine’s energy. really great!
Thank you, this is very exciting! As I meditate on the Aquamarine, I will imagine the characteristics that are mentioned. I will also continuously talk about
I find the story of this crystal, its purpose, and how it is used to be amazing and beautiful. When I look at its picture I feel my brain relax and feel that my body is soothed overall. This is a wonderful and exciting new tool for our individual growth and the healing of humanity.
The message is inspiring. Ilchi Lee you amaze me daily. While others might keep the crystal hidden for their personal enjoyment or their friends. You searched for this crystal in order to share it with all of us. Even if we aren’t close enough to touch it. We can still receive the energy from it, since energy is not bound by distance. You even guide us, as how to use it. (Would I be so generous? I hope so) I feel so grateful. Thank you