Vibrations from sound influence our body’s vibration and energy. When our energy changes, we change our health.
Brain Power
7 Ways to Make Your Energy More Positive
Being positive is a simple way to a healthier body and brain.
Build Confidence One Day at a Time: Join the 100-Day Challenge
Self-confidence can only come from our own efforts, but those efforts don’t have to be grand to have a great effect on us. Start with one movement and build from there.
Design Every Environment: That’s the Fifth Rule of Your Brain Operating System
A bright consciousness has the power to change its environment.
Life Is Fun, If You Make It: Ilchi Lee’s Tips How
Making each moment fun can be done to stay true to ourselves.
Become a Master of Time and Space to Use the Brain Operating System: The Fourth Rule
Space and time can get away from us unless we stay aware of them and use them with intention.
If You Choose It, It Will Happen . . . According to the Operating System of the Brain [The Third Rule]
We create our lives by completely choosing what we want.
Good News Makes a Good Brain: The Second Rule of the Brain Operating System
Information affects the state of our thoughts and emotions, which influences every part of our lives.
The First Rule of Your Brain Operating System: Wake Up and Pay Attention
Wake up to who you really are and keep your attention focused on your dreams.
New Book Coming: The 100-Year Golfer
In less than a week, on June 20, 2022, Ilchi Lee’s latest book will be released as a paperback and…