Let’s pray for all the lives being sacrificed for no reason as we work steadily toward a new awakened civilization.
The Tale of the Monk Wonhyo: the Mind and Ideas
Let me introduce a story that teaches us something about the nature of the mind and ideas.
[Video] Explanation of the Principles of the Chun Bu Kyung, an Ancient Asian Wisdom Text
During one lecture, Ilchi Lee was asked to explain the ancient text, the Chun Bu Kyung, in a way that’s…
We Can Create Peace
Peace can seem far away at times. But if we remain true to our true selves, we always have the means to express it in ourselves and in our lives.
How to Have a Close Relationship While Standing in Your Own Power
Making yourself energetically powerful can also make you more open, loving, and centered in your true self.
Ilchi Lee’s Recipe for Unconditional Love
Love, the brightest light, the purest energy within. Love heals. Love, our true essence, is always waiting to be set…
This Is My Wish for Us All This Year
The new year has arrived. Right now, humankind is standing at a crossroads. We can easily veer toward rising or falling together.
[Video] Ilchi Lee’s Intuitive Acupressure for Self-Healing
Our brain and bodies are connected, but when we don’t pay attention to this connection, they don’t always communicate well.…
Thank You!
The United States is celebrating its Thanksgiving Day today. This national holiday encourages us to remember what we’re grateful for.…
The Real Source of Satisfaction
Our true selves hold the key to true satisfaction. The events of the past couple of years have made many of us rethink our lives. We may have been stuck in survival mode, but now want to find a way to thrive.