
Ilchi Posture

One Posture Does It All

Every single person has an innate capacity to heal themselves. Awakening this dormant power within you can be as simple…
young girl with pink hair behind fence

Live Emotion-Free

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If you are full of emotional energy, your consciousness and your heart cannot be free. In the cage of emotions, you end up feeling lonely. Many people compensate for that loneliness with superficial and ultimately unsatisfying things like games, media, shopping, and food.

woman and elderly man at memorial

What’s Important


While what we like may be better than what we don’t like, and what is good is better than what is bad, there is something that’s even more important than what’s good.

Time to Be an Earth Human

Earth Human I have come to the earth. I have come to the earth, for I love the earth. As…

Take Back Your Brain!

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Many people correctly understand what it means to master their brains. Some, on the other hand, wonder whether there was ever a time when they weren’t the master of their brain. How could it be possible not to be the master of their brain?

Ilchi Lee at Oak Creek in Sedona, Arizona

Hearing the Call of the Earth


The waters of Oak Creek ripple through the Verde Valley bringing the green blush of deciduous trees hinted at in the valley’s name. I sat on the bank of one part of the creek recently, dangling my feet in the chill water.

magnetic meditation

Magnets for Health and Peace


When people fight, they think that they’re just fighting. When they put others down with caustic remarks, it may seem as if they are just bruising their psyche. But if you look deeper, you’ll see they are damaging more than that.

cloudy sunrise

Choose and Act Right Now


We are standing at a crossroads—a moment of destiny in which one of two options must be chosen. Is humankind to come to an end, or will there be a new and great beginning? One by one, each of us takes a step forward choosing the path that we wish for our world, every action another step.

washing a wooden floor by hand

Visions of Greatness

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A common trap of spiritual aspirations is that they provide us grandiose visions of becoming higher beings of grace and authority.


Do You Know Who You Are?


Without knowing the answer to the question, “Who am I?”, how can you really know anything else? In the absence of an answer, life becomes a meaningless sequence of events and is often clouded by anxiety and worry, anguish and delusion.