If you haven’t created miracles in your life, do you understand why? Miracles can only come from the essential nature or the source of all things. You have that nature inside of you. But do you express it all the time?
You have to access it first, and accessing it takes practice. It means keeping your mind there all day. You can do that even in small ways. You can:
- say, “Thank you,” and feel gratitude before each task you undertake, even before small things such as washing your hands or eating a snack.
- breathe deeply in three increments several times a day while focusing on your breath.
- visualize an outcome you want and imagine golden light LifeParticles going to it and surrounding it.
- do pushups several times a day and take a few moments to breathe and feel your breath afterward.
- sing a song.
- smile for no reason or laugh loudly.
- take a walk, especially in nature.
- work diligently toward a benevolent and compassionate goal.
- shake your head as you relax your body and focus on the center of your brain in Brain Wave Vibration.
- share a one of these techniques with another person.
What ways can you think of to access your essential nature? Share how you do it on my Facebook page, http://www.facebook.com/ilchi.
2 Comments. Leave new
These are 10 great ways to access essential nature. Even just reading this helps me access it. Also, giving compliments to others, praising them, and saying I love you to others is good. Thank you for these awesome reminders. When will you be on Soul Sunday show with Oprah. You should. Ill send life particles for that to happen! 🙂
What a great idea Donna! I will send LifeParticles for that to happen as well 🙂