This week we’re celebrating Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s birthday. He is famous for his grand dream that everyone is recognized as valuable and precious people who are free to fulfill their dreams.
Right now, you are valuable and precious, simply because you are alive at this moment. That’s something you must recognize for yourself. It’s something you can be really proud of.
The year 2014 is a new beginning.
It’s a time of great change.
What is your dream?
Your dream is also precious and valuable.
You are a person of light,
a golden firebird that will make 2014 beautiful.
Can you be so wildly successful this year
that you achieve everything you want
so you have no regrets?
Now the change has begun.
You are the hub of that change.
To be the change the world needs,
to change your life,
recognize and choose your true value,
right here, right now.