I’d like to share with you this excerpt from a message recorded on my CD, Inspiration for Your Day. I hope it helps you recognize the inherent greatness you have inside.
“All of us have a mind of greatness. That mind pours forth from an eternal life that exists in and of itself. When that greatness awakens, rather than looking after your own personal benefit you come to have a mind that desires to contribute infinitely toward a great and important value.
When that mind awakens, you come to know a holy love that benefits all life. That mind helps us to stand up in times of despair and hardship and gives the gift of far‐reaching ideals, a passionate heart, and an iron will.
Accept the greatness within you and use it to your heart’s content. What’s really important is the profound respect that you have for yourself. When you respect yourself, and when you focus on yourself, within the oneness inside yourself the ideas and power that will enable you to actualize the greatness inside will start to come.”