Do you ever think about the condition of your brain, the command center for your life?
Why not check it now? Is it filled with confidence and hope or negativity and victimization?
Whatever state it’s in right now, that condition won’t continue forever. You can loose your confidence in the next moment or turn your day around by looking on the bright side.
The good news is that you’ve been given the power and authority to choose the state of your brain at any given moment, no matter how difficult or troubling your current situation may be.
Doing this, however, requires continuous choosing and practicing. They say that a baby usually toddles stably only after falling down and getting back up about 1,500 times. It’s only natural then that stably choosing a positive and powerful brain takes numerous attempts and trial and error.
As with all power, this comes with responsibility. No one else can choose the condition of your brain for you. A Power Brain is someone who has clearly realized: “I am responsible for my life and the condition of my brain!”
Pineal Gland Meditation is a shortcut that allows you to lift up the condition of your brain several levels instead of dragging it up step by step, so that you can more easily be a Power Brain. Learn Pineal Gland Meditation in my most recent book, Connect: How to Find Clarity and Expand Your Consciousness with Pineal Gland Meditation.