
Attaining True Welfare with Brain Utilization

The gap between the rich and the poor continues to grow on a global scale. Although various efforts have been made to solve this problem, it persists.

We cannot bridge this gap until each of us discovers the latent potential inherent within us. This potential comes from our brain. In fact, our brain’s latent potential and value are demonstrated to the fullest when we give our effort so that all people can be happy together. That’s because our brain instinctively wants health, happiness, and peace not only for ourselves, but also for everyone around us.

Ilchi Lee - hope despite poverty with Brain EducationThe best word to describe this inherent objective of our brain is “welfare.” Welfare involves each individual living a life of fairness, justice, and happiness. It does not only signify material happiness, but spiritual happiness as well.

The quality of each person’s life can be enhanced when we go beyond the values of our own lives to achieve true welfare in society for all people. That’s because every member of humankind breathes the same air, drinks the same water, and lives on the same planet. There isn’t any meaning in defense or competition, because we exist as a network of relationships, connected through interaction.

However, we are currently faced with social realities in which justice fights against justice, and religions that pursue the Truth are in conflict with each other. It grows increasingly difficult to differentiate between right and wrong or black and white.

Therefore, solving every problem has to start with compassion and the recovery of each individual’s human character and conscience. With this backbone of compassion and conscience, we must make an effort to integrate the diverse conflicting factors of society, such as between governments and individuals, for-profits and non-profits, and conservative and progressive.

In the 21st century, we are already witnessing a merging of cultures in which there is a synergistic interplay of personal and collective advantages as our brain evolves. I believe that the key word for the 21st century is “fusion.” Now is a time for us to utilize all the wisdom and knowledge that has been discovered for the goal of welfare; it’s a time that requires the fusion of diverse social perceptions.

When I refer to “fusion,” however, I mean fusion that takes place through individuals’ free will, not fusion imposed by a single, autocratic dictator. I’m describing a situation in which all members of humankind discover the value and latent potential in their brain and use it naturally to awaken themselves. We don’t need someone to tell us what to do or to explain the moral value of such obligations anymore.

Our brains have a natural desire for fusion—the integration and application of all information—as well as an instinctive tendency to pursue collective benefit through synergy. Through a five-stage process of awakening the brain with breathing and meditation, the Brain Education system I’ve developed helps people unlock their brain’s potential and restore the innate human quality that seeks synergy and the actualization of welfare for all humanity. It helps them understand all aspects of their brain; understanding one’s brain is, in essence, knowing oneself. In the process, Brain Education helps people bring out their creativity and discover their worth and the value of their brain, as well as that of others. It thus facilitates and encourages better communication and fusion throughout society. Each of us has the responsibility to develop the capabilities of our brain for the benefit of all humankind.

With the realization of our value and potential, the brain is ready to take action. So I propose that we go beyond Brain Education to brain utilization. We must ask ourselves: “How can we make the best use of our brains’ potential to solve global problems such as poverty? How can we motivate ourselves to continue developing our untapped power until it benefits all of humanity, and we solve the many problems that have been tormenting us?”

For this purpose, science will have an important role. It will be necessary to demonstrate the effect of brain utilization on creating true welfare throughout the world. We absolutely need this evidence, not simply as a statistical or scientific exercise, but for us to develop greater confidence, and in doing so, motivate ourselves to develop our brain continuously. Therefore, I urge neuroscientists, scholars, and social scientists to demonstrate the link between brain utilization and true welfare for all humanity.

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2 Comments. Leave new

  • This is a powerful message, thank you. I think it is crucial that we as a people realize that the undertones of the world’s problems is directly and most related to our level of conciousness and ultimately the brain. This is exactly what I have found for myself and although it may seem strange to someone hearing it for the first time I hope that they discover it themselves through BEST. We’ve had technological advances and success yet people still die of starvation. It’s obviously not a problem of technology but of our humanity and priorities. BEST has helped me and many others that I have seen recover their humanity and continue to do so. The result is as said here healthier, happier, and more peaceful enviornment within our real lives. I hope this spreads rapidly. Gamsahamnida.

  • Jean Santoro
    April 1, 2014 11:20 pm

    What an exciting prospect to have everyone develop their brains and work together without restraint, prejudice or limit. Jean


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