The Way to Smooth Out Your Rough Edges
The 13 Virtues of Benjamin Franklin
Benjamin Franklin’s Brain Utilization and Human Happiness
1 Minute to Hope and Change
In order to develop yourself successfully, first check the condition of your energy. If your energy is in a condition where you’re stuck in your emotions, make yourself emotion-free by practicing 1-minute exercise (and/or Magnetic Meditation).
One Posture Does It All
Live Emotion-Free
If you are full of emotional energy, your consciousness and your heart cannot be free. In the cage of emotions, you end up feeling lonely. Many people compensate for that loneliness with superficial and ultimately unsatisfying things like games, media, shopping, and food.
What’s Important
While what we like may be better than what we don’t like, and what is good is better than what is bad, there is something that’s even more important than what’s good.
Time to Be an Earth Human
Take Back Your Brain!
Many people correctly understand what it means to master their brains. Some, on the other hand, wonder whether there was ever a time when they weren’t the master of their brain. How could it be possible not to be the master of their brain?