We Are the Only HopeFebruary 24, 20114 CommentsIn Joong Chun Ji Il Human bears Heaven and Earth, and the three make One. The preceding phrases of the…
Be the LightFebruary 23, 20118 CommentsBohn Shim Bohn Tae Yang Ang Myong Divine mind is the eternal light, looking towards celestial light The Chun Bu…
Embrace LifeFebruary 21, 20116 CommentsYong Byeon Bu Dong Bon Features are changing, and changeless is the maker The essential truth of this line of…
Creating Beyond Time and SpaceFebruary 19, 201116 CommentsI first came to Sedona, Arizona, where I have a residence and several projects, 16 years ago. When I came,…
Every Blooming Flower Is BeautifulFebruary 19, 20114 CommentsMyo Yeon Mahn Wang Mahn Rae Way less is the way all comes and all goes. All things come and…
Personal Development through Energy DevelopmentFebruary 17, 20112 CommentsSam Sa Seong Hwan Oh Chil Il Three and four form a circle, five with seven makes One whole Everything…
Expand Your MindFebruary 16, 20118 CommentsWe are halfway through our month-long study of the ancient Asian text, the Chun Bu Kyung. Congratulations to everyone who…
A Great MergerFebruary 15, 20119 CommentsYou may have heard that . . . everything changes. This simple statement may sound obvious, yet great insight can…
Take a Few Steps BackFebruary 13, 20115 CommentsChun Ee Sam Ji Ee Sam In Ee Sam Heaven gains two to make three, Earth gains two to make…
It’s a Life PracticeFebruary 13, 20119 CommentsThere’s an ancient Western saying that goes, “As above, so below. As within, so without.” This next phrase of the…