Finding Your Own RhythmJune 14, 201119 CommentsAs a young child, I had a weak body and I was also very shy. I couldn’t imagine singing or…
Open Up to CompletionJune 10, 20110The reason you feel comfortable inside of nature is its “openness.” Nature doesn’t insist that any one thing be a…
Don’t Think of a Mulberry Tree When You’re Standing in Front of a Pine TreeJune 2, 20111 CommentTrust the Path Your Heart Takes A lush forest of pine trees is filled with the clean, cool fragrance of…
Hope Visits Only with Your InvitationMay 19, 20117 CommentsSome guests come only when you invite them. Hope is one of them. You can’t expect hope to pay you…
Write for YouMay 18, 20111 CommentIf you’re not in the habit of keeping a journal, it’s definitely worth a try. Try to write something every…
CalligraphyMay 16, 201113 CommentsNot long ago, I picked up my brush and did some calligraphy for the first time in a while. One…
The Sun Is Always ShiningMay 12, 20115 CommentsI describe the light of enlightenment as the LifeParticle Sun. This is something that everyone has in their heart. There…
Parents’ Day with My FatherMay 9, 201127 CommentsMay 8th was Parents’ Day. In Korea, instead of having a separate Mother’s Day and Father’s Day, we celebrate Parents’…
Three Characteristics of the Sedona SpiritMay 2, 20119 CommentsIf you are living in Sedona or if you have ever visited, how would you describe the Sedona spirit? There…
LifeParticle PrayerMarch 24, 201111 CommentsI send Life Particles of love and hope to the people of Japan, who have lost so much to the…