
Each and Every Day Has Been Granted as a Favor, So How Do I Use It?

sunset over the water

Every morning when I wake up, I know that each and every day is given to me by heaven. It’s granted as a favor.

In the Northland of New Zealand, where I have been giving meditation tours, I experience in greater thoroughness that today is not subject to me, but has been permitted me by nature.

Because I know that there is no guarantee that I will be alive tomorrow—no, even in just an hour from now—I live my day in a way in which I am not ashamed before heaven and the people who trust me, support me, and learn from me.

For me, that means doing all I can to achieve my dream of a harmonious world in which people live in peace and the earth’s resources are managed for the good of all. Wherever I go, I share this dream with the people I meet, and I share the means I’ve devised to achieve it. My latest methods are the New Zealand meditation tours, the Earth Village I am building here, and Belly Button Healing and the tool I made for it, the Healing Life. I believe these methods will help many people recover their health and their empathy toward others and the earth. This empowerment and awareness are essential for people to follow their conscience and work together for the good of each other and the planet.

Pursuing this dream, I’ve encountered many challenges, but also experienced many instances of inspiration and encouragement. A few days ago, I dreamt that I kept going over a huge mountain, again and again. In the beginning, the divine spirit of the mountain said to me, “Nobody has tried to climb up here, and also it’s a mountain you couldn’t climb even if you wanted to. Only those permitted by heaven can climb it. You cannot be assured of anything.” Then, it asked, “Even so, will you still climb it?” I replied, “I will climb it,” and the spirit opened the path for me. After that, I went up the mountain. The path going up could not be described with words. I hardly know how I climbed, going up on all fours, going up and up. I was lost and struggling for a long time until, finally, I made my way past the summit. That was when I felt, So this is what a huge mountain is like, and when I had come back down from the mountain, I found myself saying automatically, “Divine spirit, thank you. Thank you for allowing it. Thank you,” and I offered three full bows before I woke from my sleep. After this dream, I felt confident that I would achieve my goals if I just kept moving toward them.

Dreams such as these also come to me sometimes when I need to make an important decision. I had one before I decided to buy property to use for the New Zealand tours, for training in Brain Education, and for an Earth Village. A massive samjoko (three-legged crow), a traditional Korean spiritual symbol, came down from the sky. It was bigger than the roof of a building, and it landed on the property I was deciding to buy. This dream also gave me confidence to move forward.

From the dreams in my sleep and working on my dreams when I’m awake, I’ve learned that what feels like a huge mountain is actually an obstacle of our own making. We ourselves are the ones who build up huge mountains and then break them down several times a day. The huge mountains are not outside of us; they’re inside. This is the suspicion, wariness, fear, and defeat we’ve created inside of us toward the world.

Just as in my recent dream, the way to break those things down is by moving forward. You need to take action and get out and just do it.

Rather than through passive deliberation and thought, it is through ceaseless movement that you realize that the great mountain you’ve made is an illusion. Energy will gather as you move, so that instead of a great mountain of obstacles, you’ll build great masses of creative energy. When you’ve accumulated enough energy, your dreams will explode into being.

Every morning, I start right away. I send LifeParticles to everyone working on the same dream as I watch the sunrise, and I take a picture of the sun coming up. Then, I write down how I will use this precious day, managing my schedule in thirty-minute increments. At the end of the day, before I go to sleep, I check whether I’ve truly used my day to the fullest and give myself a closing report with a score for how I’ve lived. Then, I fall asleep with my Healing Life, cradling my dream in my heart.

What dreams and values make your own heart soar? For what are you willing to climb mountains?

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1 Comment. Leave new

  • Dear Master Lee,
    Ever since I was blessed by Dahn Yoga and now B and B, I am totally in Love with ‘me’ and the World. My life and actions revolve around Enriching me and others.


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