I hope you have chosen to greet 2020 with bright joy and hope.
This year is the time prepared for you. If you choose to make 2020 for you, it will become just so. Because in every situation and space, your brain can find an answer. Within your brain, there is such a power. But finding an answer requires your choice to find hope. Then the power can be released. Will you make that choice?
If you’ve truly chosen it, every time and environment will be a gift for you. The hope you’ve chosen gives you the power to move bright energy. Hope is the bright light that makes our brain “get bright.”
The way to choose to “get bright” with hope is really quite simple. Make sure the energy of your brain and heart is healthy. First check your heart. Is it open? Or does it feel suffocated with unreleased anger, anxiety, fear, or loneliness? If your heart is closed, then your brain won’t wake up.
You can open your heart by tapping your chest for five minutes or more and then sweeping down as you exhale to release any blockages. When your heart is opened, you can easily breathe, and your life force will awaken through your breath. Healthy energy will flow through you.
If you consistently keep your heart open, you will feel more motivated and hopeful, and your brain will wake up on its own. The possibilities trapped inside your brain will be set free.
Begin 2020 with an awakened brain and a heart filled with hope. This year is the time and space prepared for you.