
If You Want to Sing Out, Sing Out

Ilchi Lee Let's Sing OutDo you ever sing? Do you burst into song in the shower, in the car on your way to work, or even in front of an audience? How do you feel when you sing? Do you feel cheerful and happy, or like you’re really getting a chance to express yourself?

When you sing, you’re actually opening your heart, or what we call in Eastern mind-body practices, your heart chakra. Chakras are the organs of the energy system in your body, which regulates the energy that flows throughout your body to keep you alive and well. Each chakra has a specific purpose, and your heart chakra is your source of cosmic energy, a well from which springs love, compassion, forgiveness, honesty, and sincerity.

When your heart chakra is out of balance, you can feel overly emotional or want to close yourself off from others. You can more easily fall victim to sadness, loneliness, and arrogance. In its most extreme state of dysfunction, the heart becomes overwhelmed by hate and bigotry, which may lead to violence.

I think your heart chakra, also called your fourth chakra, is one of the most important of the seven chakras that run through the midline of your body. If you revive your fourth chakra, all of the other chakras above and below it will also come alive and into balance. It generates healthy Water Up Fire Down energy flow automatically.

When you awaken your heart chakra, your conscience awakens as well. With a conscience that’s active and alive in your life, you see the world through a different lens. In a way, you see it more clearly and can better look at information objectively. Your consciousness grows and takes on a broader perspective when you view the world through your conscience.

True creativity also stems from your heart chakra, because it’s from there that you can tap into the greater energy of the universe. That energy holds timeless wisdom that is beyond our individual experience.

So whether you’re a virtuoso or sing entirely out of tune, belt out a number often to keep your heart chakra healthy. You will access your true nature, and be able to live a joyful life based on your conscience.

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6 Comments. Leave new

  • Singing has become one of my favorite ways to relax, release tension, and even heal myself. It’s also made me a lot more confident speaking in front of people. Sometimes, it might even sound good!

  • Wow, I agree. I know right away when my heart chakra is blocked, I feel very emotional, sad, easily overwhelmed and sometimes angry. Singing out loud is something i need to do more often along with Dancing. Thank you so much for this article, it came just in time. I felt all of these emotions this week and need to sing out LOUD. I feel a song comming on, “Imagine” by John Lennon. 🙂

  • Wow! Maybe thats why we sing so much in church!

  • Just a big THANK YOU for your wonderful website and insights! Dahn Yoga has changed my life!

  • This is sooo perfect. I have decided to do a 21-day training where each day I sing myself an inspirational love song to help me achieve my vision and send encouragement and love to myself through the process. Saranghamnida!!

  • Beautiful message in principle and usefulness. Thank you.


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