
It’s a Life Practice

There’s an ancient Western saying that goes, “As above, so below. As within, so without.” This next phrase of the Chun Bu Kyung continues its description of the creative forces of the universe working on both macrocosmic and microcosmic levels. It says:

Ilchi Lee - Korea - Chun Bu Kyung - IlIlchi Lee - Korea - Chun Bu Kyung - jukIlchi Lee - Korea - Chun Bu Kyung - shipIlchi Lee - Korea - Chun Bu Kyung - guh
Ilchi Lee - Korea - Chun Bu Kyung - MuIlchi Lee - Korea - Chun Bu Kyung - gweIlchi Lee - Korea - Chun Bu Kyung - hwaIlchi Lee - Korea - Chun Bu Kyung - sahm

Il Jeok Ship Guh Mu Gwe Hwa Sam

One gathers to build ten, and infinite forms become the Trinity (of Heaven, Earth and Human)
This phrase says that One, the ultimate reality, individuates into beings that gather and organize into higher beings or entities. All through this process of individuation and gathering, each individuated being, while developing its unique peculiarities, has in itself the three basic elements of Heaven, Earth, and Human. Ultimately, this physical, energetic, and spiritual evolutionary process leads to Ship (十), which means ten or completion.

Everything in the universe has its own natural drive towards completion, including our True Self, the part of us that will continue to exist as an individuated form when we die. The mind body spirit practices we do and the life choices we make that follow the path of spiritual completion are the things that bring us the greatest happiness. This kind of spiritual growth, which requires love, harmony, and dedication, is the purpose of our existence.

That’s why the Chun Bu Kyung tells us not to be trapped by Gwe (匱, limit, matrix, frame), or the limitations of our body or of society. Keep your focus on your purpose and your body will become a tool for your growth rather than a cage for your limitless self.

To complete our growth requires action. It requires studying universal principles, engaging in mind body spirit exercises, and putting what we learn into practice in our lives. Three things you can practice that will help you make the laws of the universe your own are jigam, joshik, and geumchok.

Jigam is an energy meditation. It’s easiest to do by relaxing your body and mind and focusing on the feeling in your palms. When you become sensitive enough, you will feel energy there as sensations of tingling, heat, magnetism, or pressure. When you do jigam, you will make your heart calm and clear, unshaken by thoughts and emotions.

Joshik is deep abdominal breathing, which allows you to take in cosmic energy from your environment. By controlling your breath, you can manage your energy and rule your mind.

Geumchok means keeping a steady constant mind, which can be practiced with yeondahn postures. Yeondahn postures are different meridian channel-stimulating postures that you hold for extended periods of time, anywhere from five minutes to an hour or more. With geumchok, you still your senses and focus within yourself to enlighten your mind. To really grow, use all of these tools diligently and consistently.

Click on the links above to learn a little more about each exercises from Body & Brain Yoga websites, a practice I developed when I first started on this path to make “enlightenment” common sense for everyone. You can also comment on the posts on my Facebook page to enter a weekly drawing for decks Wisdom Cards, which are inspiration and meditation cards based on each letter of the Chun Bu Kyung.


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9 Comments. Leave new

  • Yes, life is interesting and meaningful when one practices! Thank you, this is very helpful.

  • I like the sentence of ‘will the body be a tool or a cage to imit.
    That expressess a lot. I am going to focus on my body is a tool to
    create and grow my true self.

  • Thank you. I will be careful about Gwe and continue to focus on my purpose. I’ll continue to watch and practice Jigam, Joshik, Geumchok.

  • Action is required for growth of soul. What a scientific, practical and devine truth! I shouldn’t be just dreaming for enlightenment. I should do jigam, joshik, and geumchok to complete my life purpose. Thanks Seuseung nim!

  • Not being trapped by Gwe. that is very powerful for me, because I seem always to be striving not to be trapped by some self-limiting gwe. Thank you so much!

  • The practice of Jigam, Joshik, and Geumchok is what keeps my world round. I can feel the love of our precious earth by practicing everyday. And in turn I find that love inside to share with others. Thank you for blazing this path Ilchi Lee. A true blessing for me and all of us.

  • Let’s make the practice that the ancients performed the ”of course” of today!

  • When I focus on my purpose — Hongik Ingan Ewha Saegae– everything else melts away and my heart opens like a lotus blossom. Thank you, Ilchi Seusengnim, for showing us the way. I am so grateful. 🙂

  • Thank you, I will incorporate this lesson in my practice. Thank you, Seuseung nim.


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