You’ve probably already heard that the best way to calm your mind is to meditate. However, if your mind is not conditioned, it’s difficult for it to become peaceful. Instead, it may wander or become sleepy. In either case, you can’t maintain your focus to meditate.
Meditation gives us the opportunity to go into a peaceful state and then move into a brighter, clearer awareness. We can experience such a deep state of meditation if we do a lot of physical and mental preparation.
Stretching, tapping, and twisting our body to open up our meridian channels, especially those at the mid-line of the body, can release the rampant energy that makes our mind busy or sleepy. Doing strong exercises such as weightlifting and sprinting burns up this excess energy to help us focus. Abdominal breathing while attempting to keep our mind concentrated on our lower abdomen makes us feel calmer and more grounded. Doing exercises such as these regularly can increase our focus more and more over time.
But even if we exercise regularly, the easiest form of meditation is doing fascinating work with enthusiasm. When we become immersed in our work, we don’t even realize that we’re working. We are fully focused on what we’re doing.
That’s why I always recommend working passionately for a single goal. This is a way to meditate as we go about our daily lives. If we do this, we may become so engrossed in our tasks that we forget about our original purpose. That is the moment of deepest meditation.
No matter how trivial our work may be, if we’ve chosen that work and can immerse ourselves in it with full devotion, our lives are beautiful.
The instant we’re engrossed in work we’ve chosen, we’re emitting our energy to our hearts’ content in a state of deep meditation.
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