Brain Education

5 Steps of Brain Education

Why Brain Education?

Although all people have brains, they may don’t know their brains well and may not have had a personal experience…
Ilchi Lee holding an iPad

Brain Education Cubed

Although my hair is white, I am feeling younger and younger nowadays. And this year I have been embracing the…
waterfall stream

Return to Nature

I’ve been exploring the potential of information technology a lot lately. I am amazed at how this technology offers me…
illustrated Ilchi Lee with pumpkin

Hope Springs from Garbage


My hope is that my personal experience as someone with an attention deficit disorder, who discovered hope in himself and worked ceaselessly to establish the academic discipline of Brain Education, who founded a college and become its president, will contribute at least a little to education reform.

plugging into information

Who Is the Boss of Your Brain?


By listening to your conscience, you have access to a standard of values that enable you to do the best information processing. Values derived from outside sources, such as a desire for power and influence or a desire to benefit only specific groups of people, do not allow your brain to evaluate information as clearly. The wide eyes of your conscience balances the scales of judgment, allowing you to accurately weigh all information that comes your way. Your conscience is the ultimate information-processing function of your brain.