
The Power of Interest

We all know about the power of positive thinking, but did you know that just showing interest in something makes a positive difference? In this short inspirational animation derived from Ilchi Lee’s lectures, see what happens when you take an interest in and send love even to an inanimate onion. It’s easy to see how the power of interest can change the world.

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The Power of Interest

7 Comments. Leave new

  • Alishaa Asakura
    September 29, 2010 11:47 am

    this is such a perfect presentation~simply done & direct. I once lived in a second floor apartment building, my back lanai was exposed the the next building, and lacked Privacy. There was a hedge 10 feet high from the ground and not tall enough to give me privacy. I worked with it every time I went out to the lanai. sending it love and giving it water.
    asking for it to grow taller and nicer.
    within the year it grew to twenty feet high hedge..and adjacent apartment to the left of me…it was still short and only 10 feet high from the start. Plants, Trees, and mostly ourselves what we do to our thoughts and mind creates our reality. What we think and words we use have a definite effect on ourselves and then to every other human being. When each person have consideration in our minds and thoughts..with divine love and GoOD empowering thoughts each ONE will also affect every other living person , place and thing..we are all INTERCONNECTED. as ONE we hold responsiblity for the welfare of others. Mahalo for such a wonderful video.
    ALOHA to ALL , express the beauty of your spirit. in goodness and truth.

  • Very insightful, thank you!

  • This clip is so wonderful. It should be shown in classrooms around the world or conducted as an experiment in each room.
    I used to teach health to high school students and we taught about a failure to thrive syndrome that occurs in babies who are not receiving loving touch and interest. Even though they may get adequate custodial care, if they lack true loving care and attention they fail to thrive in every way. I’m sure this happens in cases of war, famine and poverty where caregivers are overstressed. Unfortunately once the condition of war and famine are over the devastating effects on children can not always be reversed. So sad!

  • Namaste 🙂 W

  • I will look around me for the abandoned and ignored and give love. Thank you. I love this video.

  • We tried this experiment and did not see any difference in the onions.
    Do you think my kids were secretly praising the bad and ignored onions at night?

    • I’m curious as to how you did it Sandra. It does take some time, and also, if you really want to see results, maybe you could try writing down the loving and negative messages on paper and attaching them to the cups holding their respective onions. Then you can be more secure in the messages they are receiving.
      I have seen the experiment performed successfully before, so perhaps your onions need some time or a slightly different strategy.
      I hope it works out.


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