Health & Wellness
[Video] Ilchi Lee’s Intuitive Acupressure for Self-Healing
How to Keep Your Energy Cup Full
We may not always realize it, but many of us have energy leaks. We give energy away without refilling it, and our condition and habits may not retain the energy we do try to refill. No matter how much we care about our lives or other people, if we can’t fill up our energy, we’ll feel dissatisfied and frustrated.
[Video] What’s an Emotional Washing Machine?
Ilchi Lee’s 3 Bite-sized Ways to Beat Holiday Stress
The holiday festivities may bring many people joy and light, but at the same time, they may also bring stress and worry. There’s plenty of useful and good advice out there for how to deal with stress and worry. I’d like to offer you three more that you can do in a moment.
[Video] What Is Happiness?
3 Exercises for Resetting Your Emotions
We all have an emotional washing machine inside that lets us clean out the emotions that don’t serve us and get a fresh start.
Introducing Ilchi Lee’s Upcoming Film, Love Heals
Start Self-Care at the Root with These 3 Chakra Meditations
5 Awakenings You Need to Know about Spiritual Sexuality
Our experience of sexuality can be our choice and our creation based on our perspective and how we use our sexual energy.