
Igniting a Spark of Enlightenment in New Zealand

I’m in New Zealand once again building up a retreat center here. We’ve had several groups from Korea come so far, and with each group we’ve added new experiences and new construction on the property.

Last December, we welcomed the final group of 2014 for what we’re calling the Spark Meditation Tour. They were met with three new parks: Heaven Park, Earth Park, and Human Park—meditation sites with wooden platforms in special areas. The parks are places where you can send away bad energy and receive good energy.


At these parks, I lectured and guided the participants in meditation with kawakawa leaves and solar energy—two means of natural healing. Kawakawa trees are a traditional medicinal plant of the Maori that has natural anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. By meditating with the abundant energy from the sun, we can warm our bodies and improve our bodies’ natural healing ability.


This group was the first group to pick kawakawa leaves themselves. They spent time in the clear New Zealand air picking 1000 leaves each, which grow abundantly on the property. While they were picking the kawakawa leaves, they stuck one on their forehead and held one in their mouths, instantly achieving healthy Water Up Fire Down energy circulation in their body and naturally experiencing oneness with nature. One member who had chronic headaches experienced the headache disappearing completely from picking kawakawa leaves.


We also built seven chakra swings along the river where visitors can cleanse and refill the energy in each of their seven chakras.


From their experience, the participants discovered that opening your heart and mind and receiving good energy does not necessarily require special techniques or deep meditation. Besides immersing yourself in nature, you can do it with simple acts of love and devotion. This tour group and I exchanged our devotion to each other and opened each other. They sang the traditional Korean song “Arirang” and the song “Ilshim (One Mind)” for me, and I made them a hearty soup with chicken, bone broth, and eel that I had caught the previous day.

The beginning of your value is the heart and mind. When your face becomes brighter, it means your heart is alive. If your heart is alive, everything is alive. Enlightenment just comes.
Giving energy to each participant individually, I asked them, “What is your dream?” Knowing your dream comes from enlightenment.

But confidence, the power to convey enlightenment, requires training and discipline. People who have encountered a special connection of enlightenment then need to begin training themselves to live and communicate it. The Spark Meditation Tour not only facilitated enlightenment, but helped people develop the power to live it.

With each training session on this meditation tour, the participants went deeper inside themselves and felt their true self and the meaning of their existence. This was their enlightenment. They received healing and were able to feel Mother Earth, and through a message that was clearer and more specific than ever, they came to know what they needed to do to make a beautiful world in which everyone is happy.

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