
It’s Time to Plan-Do-Check-Act

Did you choose a dream for 2011? If you want it to become a reality, you need a strategy; you need PDCA: Plan-Do-Check-Act. That’s my favorite goal-achievement tool. I use it all the time and have lectured on it extensively. First developed by Walter A. Shewhart in the late 1920s, it was popularized by Dr. W. Edwards Deming. I think it’s so useful that I’m going to write a series of blog posts in January about how to use it and what it can do for your life.

So what is Plan-Do-Check-Act?

Ilchi Lee on Plan-Do-Check-ActPLAN is defining a goal clearly and understanding the core of the goal.
DO is developing a strategy to achieve the goal and take action.
CHECK is analyzing the status and evaluating the results.
ACT is focusing on the goal with a strategy for improvement.

PDCA is a cycle. It’s a continuous process of improvement and refinement of your actions as you move toward your dream. PDCA enables you to see what’s keeping you from creating what you want, as well as what works.

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Thank you! I am looking forward to this series as I know it will very helpful to my daily life.

  • Thank you. For most of my life I have been a reactor rather than a planner. I have had a reasonably successful life, but I know if I get more comfortable with PDCA I can do anything I desire much more effectively.

  • I really appreciate your words of wisdom! I have several goals for 2011, and it will be very helpful to use this system as I work torward achieving those goals! Thank You!!!!

    • Thank you for providing something that I think weill help me to plan
      in order to achieve my goals. Now I am self- employed I find it difficult to stick to my plans. I seem to need a structure.


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