
Want Enlightenment? Raise Your Temperature with Concentration

What is enlightenment? It’s temperature. That is how you can express enlightenment in terms of medicine and science. Health, happiness and peace are also temperature. Not a lot of people know about temperature, however.

Your body has a narrow range of temperature at which it stays healthy. It also fluctuates within that range depending on the external conditions, but also our internal environment. For example, when we lonely or depressed, our body temperature tends to be at the lower end of the normal spectrum. But, if you do a physical exercise, such as Toe Tapping, you raise your temperature. All kinds of physiological reactions happen then that affect your mind and emotions. You produce more of the hormones and neurotransmitters that make your body function. If you do this diligently, the loneliness disappears.

There’s a method for raising your body temperature and making your body and mind healthier and happier that’s much quicker than exercise, although, of course, exercising is still beneficial. This method is based on the human ability to concentrate.

Your destiny changes depending on what you focus on and what you choose. What happens when you angle a magnifying glass toward the sun? It becomes hot because it focuses on a single point and gathers the sun’s rays. Your mind is also a lens that focuses energy and causes change.

Try holding up your right pointer finger and focusing on your fingertip. Look at your fingertip. With enough focus, you will be able to see an aura, or a haze, at the tip of your finger. The tip of your finger will also become hot.

Now, spread both of your hands out, and straighten your spine. Again, focus on your fingertips. Can you feel heat there?


Now imagine the sun’s energy encapsulating your entire body. The sun’s energy enters your body by connecting at the fingertips. Your body vibrates and trembles as your body becomes hot, and your breathing becomes heavy. The fat stored in your body burns.

We all have the capability to focus; we just need to activate it. You can also strengthen it; it’s like shouting with your mind. Try shouting with your mind.

Changes then occur in your autonomic nervous system. Your concentration will flood your body with energy that can vibrate and transform your body’s entire energy into the state of happiness—from a lower temperature to the temperature of happiness.

After one minute, you can be completely recharged.

Finally, take three deep breaths.

What changes did you feel in your body, mind, and emotions from this brief meditation?

Remember, if you just think it, it will happen. That’s the power of your ability to concentrate. With your thoughts, you can raise your temperature, your concentration, and everything else.

By taking some time to focus on your body, you can get to know your entire body and its full capacity. You need to know your whole body in order to use all of its functionality. Then with only your focus you can improve your health and happiness.

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4 Comments. Leave new

  • Young-gui, Choi
    December 8, 2014 8:18 am

    I will raise my temperature. It is very Simple to do it. I need to move my body more. Thanks a lot.

  • It’s really big awakening and new approach to understand enlightenment. thank you

  • Heather Grahame
    December 8, 2014 3:33 pm

    This is so interesting. I have been deliberately choosing to think only positive thoughts for about a year, and my body has been having hot flushes. It could be the onset of menopause but I prefer to picture it as all those negative emotions of the past being burnt up!

  • A valuable practice for the mind. Thank you, Seuseung nim.


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