
Welcome to the Vortex Broadcasting Station

Not long ago, an active and long-time member of the Sedona Mago Healing Center invited me to her house for dinner with several other members. I’ve lived in Sedona for 15 years, though I’ve traveled around a lot, but it was the first time that a member here invited me over for dinner. I was quite honored. We had a wonderful time eating the impressive dinner they each contributed to. We enjoyed various homemade, healthy dishes, including salad they grew in their own yard. The conversation wandered to all manner of subjects—our health, mortality, even bicycle riding.

I told them about my own house that I built in Sedona and was inspired to invite them over to see it. I feel that my house is special. It took ten years to complete. It’s located in the middle of three of Sedona’s most famous vortexes—Bell Rock, Cathedral Rock, and Airport Mesa. From there you can also see Mago Palace and the Chapel of the Holy Cross. I designed it to symbolize the Heaven, Earth, and Human elements using the shapes that represent them, circles, squares, and triangles, respectively. For example, if you look at the front, you can see a circular dome rising up from the roof. The ground symbolizes the four cardinal directions. I also kept Five Elements Theory in mind in designing the house, since this land is a place where you can receive the five kinds of energy—wood, fire, earth, metal, and water.

Last week, I invited them to my house for a short visit. When they arrived, I showed them the room under the dome, which I call Chungoong, or the Heavenly Palace. The ceiling consists of a dome; and at night, you can turn off all the lights in the house and light up the stars in the ceiling. I guided them in a simple meditation and we all received the healing energy of heaven from the stars.

I had also promised to show my guests a special room that I call the Crystal Palace. During one of the first times I visited Bell Rock, my consciousness went into the Crystal Palace underneath it, where I met the goddess of Bell Rock, Sella. After that, I set out to recreate the energy from the Crystal Palace in my house and then use that room to collect and send Sedona’s vortex energy to the world. The walls and roof are in the shape of an octagon, which signifies creation, healing, purification, happiness, and peace. One window frames Bell Rock and there are crystals on shelves on each wall and a group of large crystals in the middle.

The crystals in this room amplify the vortex energy of this area. So from this room you can receive energy more easily but also send it out through the glass point at the center of the roof. That’s why I named this house the Vortex Broadcasting Station. Twice a day I sit in this room and send LifeParticles to the earth and to human receivers around the world.

When I brought my guests into this room, we gathered in a circle, and in its charged energy I helped them open their chakras. Your chakras need to be open to receive energy. These experienced members and instructors opened their chakras easily and could feel the vibration of energy inside them. It was great to recharge our energy together, and we appreciated each other’s company.

Afterward I shared the feeling I’ve had lately that a change is coming to the energy in Sedona. Several of my guests said they also felt the same thing. I also talked about how vortex energy, which consists of LifeParticles, is not just found in the rocks or the earth. It also circulates in our hearts—in our fourth chakras. I hope we can always feel and grow the Sedona Vortex in our hearts. That day, LifeParticles circulated freely from each of our hearts. I feel like LifeParticles are beginning to flow more freely in Sedona as well. I hope that, one day, a capsule of LifeParticles will surround Sedona and heal everyone who enters.

Before everyone left, we had some delightful tea and snacks while we chatted a little more about the house and about Sedona. I was so grateful they could visit me, and look forward to seeing them again.

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8 Comments. Leave new

  • Wow!!! Ilchi Lee, you’re so part of this earth. I love that about you and all your friends and students. Hello, Mago nim! I see you are having the time of your life. So great!
    CJKU, Love, Peace and Hong Ik

  • I feel everyone’s joy in the photographs. Thank you for LifeParticles! Thank you for your vision. I am so grateful for the mission to create Bokji Daedo.

  • After attending the book signing for your most recent book: The call of Sedona & climbing Bell Rock to meditate ~~ I have been inspired to set aside a special place in my garden for my spiritual practice, meditation & sharing LifeParticle healing. Thank you Ilchi Seuseungnim for sharing the special places that you have created in your home. Hearing your words inspires me more to continue creating my own slice of Heaven here in Garden Grove!

  • Wow, I wish I was there! I can feel your Great Healing Powers!!!!
    Thank you Thank you Thank you! Lindy

  • Wow! You are all so light and bright.
    To be there that night must have been amazing.
    Thank you for sending the earth and humanity Life Particles each day.

  • WOW!! I envy everyone there.Love you all!!

  • I have so much joy in my heart seeing these photos. It is amazing how the energy from just the photos touches me. I feel your love!
    Mago nim and Arlene nim it is so great to see you with Ilchi Seueungnim. You are greatly blessed!
    Maxine nim

  • I would be very very honor to be
    Envited to your home.
    I love you and thank you for being a wonderful
    beneficial presence on this planet.
    Much love and gratitude!


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