
I Am a White Dragon

Ilchi Lee's White Dragon ink with brush painting

This image I made many years ago has kept coming to mind lately. It is a painting I call “White Dragon.” The feeling I get when I think of this image reflects what I wrote in a poem of the same name.

I think the world needs people who have a sense of a white dragon urgently right now. In fact, I believe a white dragon is part of all of us. We just need to open our inner eyes, our Tao eyes, to see it.

White Dragon

I am a white dragon
Invisible to the eye;

I live deep in the ocean
And dwell hidden in the clouds;

My home is nothingness
Everywhere and forever;

I listen to music of the cosmos
And sing songs of the soul;

I belong to nowhere
Attached to nothing;

Stars sparkle
Winds blow quietly;

I breathe with the children
Wrapping myself around Bell Rock;

I am cosmic energy
I am cosmic mind.

What do you feel when you gaze upon the strokes of the “White Dragon” painting?

Editor’s Notes:

  1. The poem “White Dragon” was published in Ilchi Lee’s book, Songs of Enlightenment.
  2. Dragons are powerful beings in traditional Korean culture, and white is traditionally a spiritual color.
  3. The Bell Rock referred to in the poem is a famous rock formation in Sedona, Arizona that is thought to be a strong energy vortex.

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