By training our bodies and minds to tap into our innate intelligence, we unlock our creative potential, overcome self-imposed limits, and achieve a deeper sense of peace and joy.
Many of us in the modern world are enamored by the growth of artificial intelligence, which is being rapidly integrated into the technology that’s part of our everyday lives—even into the handheld devices we carry everywhere and use all the time. Most of us will agree that the devices we call “smartphones” have become part of ourselves. Our reliance on the convenience of smartphones to calculate costs, get a ride, order food, find where we’re going, connect to our loved ones, keep us entertained and organized, monitor our health, and even meditate cannot be denied. We could even say that we are addicted to the dopamine “hits” that are built into our experience with them.
This “smart” technology can make us forget about the innate technology we’re already carrying around with us completely for free: our brains. No matter how wonderful smartphones are or how intelligent they are becoming, our brains remain more amazing and powerful. I’ve coined the term “brainphone” to remind us of their importance.
Our Amazing Brains
Of course, we know that we need our brains for everything we do. Even if we become forgetful or scattered, our brains manage everything inside us. They are taking in vast amounts of data from our external and internal environments and processing it in useful ways that let us make decisions for our lives and act on them. Our brains allow us to have complex interpersonal relationships and empathize with other lifeforms (even non-living things). They have created new cultures, technologies, and ideas that go beyond the existing paradigms. There’s also so much activity in our brains that we aren’t conscious of.
Our brains have a spiritual aspect as well. Through them, we can have enlightened experiences in which we feel connected to all things with great, unconditional love, compassion, gratitude, and forgiveness. We can sense energy, detect the vibes around us, and “download” information that’s beyond our personal experience. Some people communicate with spirits, or unembodied consciousness—all through their brain.
Our Brains Create Our Lives
All these characteristics of our brains enable them to create our lives. This creative power goes beyond the sum of our thoughts and actions. It can yield the unexpected—even what can be seen as miraculous.
Our miraculous brain, a Miracle Brain, is often underutilized because of our limited perspective of what’s possible. We often don’t recognize these self-imposed limits; they seem reasonable. Yet, because of them, our inherent but amazing ability to be the creators of our lives remains a nice idea that’s never actualized.
It’s also unused because we’ve become too reliant on knowledge and tools outside of ourselves—especially our smartphones. This reliance disconnects us from our bodies, hearts, and minds. If, instead, we used our brainphones, we could clearly see what is happening inside us, recognize our challenges, and find solutions. Rather than relying on momentary dopamine hits, we could realize what our hearts want and do things that bring us true peace and joy as well as deep satisfaction.
Maybe you have had flashes of insight or gut feelings that have helped you do or avoid something. These are blips when our brainphones have turned on momentarily. They connected to wisdom and creativity beyond our norm. At these moments, the parts of our brains we don’t usually use become active. Unfortunately, we are unable and unused to keeping them on all the time. So, we have to train ourselves to do it.
Make a Miracle Body
The way to turn on our brainphones and fully use our Miracle Brains is to create a Miracle Body. What is a Miracle Body? It’s a body that has achieved something that surprises us.
For example, there was a story about a woman in her fifties in Japan who decided to learn how to walk on her hands. She was not particularly physically fit and had never done anything like that in her life. But she made a choice, and she kept training until she succeeded. As she trained her body, her consciousness was also trained. As her body was stretched and challenged beyond it’s limits, her brain had to extend beyond what it had done before. Her brain became brighter–more active, positive, and confident; it became a Miracle Brain.
When we listen to that story, our first response may be, “Wow, that’s amazing!” To create a Miracle Body and a Miracle Brain, we can’t stop there. We then have to think, “Wow, I can do that!” It’s taking that leap of faith that activates our brainphone. Then our determination and positivity keep it active and strengthen our Miracle Brains.
Read more about overcoming limits with pull-ups ►
We are the masters of our emotions, the masters of our environment, the masters of our brains, and the masters of our lives, through our bodies. We can see ourselves doing something—imagine it—then practice and train our bodies daily. If we are joyful and cheerful and revitalize our bodies, it will create more than we ever thought or expected.
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