Now that I’ve passed my seventieth birthday, I sometimes feel the limitations of my body. I have so much to do, so I can’t afford to be sick or weak, yet I can feel my muscles getting weaker. What isn’t changing about my body is the white hair I’ve had since my thirties.
So I make a concerted effort to move more, not only doing pull-ups and push-ups daily and practicing One-Minute Exercise, but also challenging myself with new adventures. I’ve gone kayaking and paddleboarding and climbed high hills. As I’ve challenged myself in this way, I’ve had to overcome several moments of crisis when I fell or my knees hurt. But I chose to keep going and keep finding new challenges. I know that such challenges will keep my body and mind strong, which will help me achieve my dream of making a healthy, happy, and peaceful world.
Choosing a big challenge and, especially, having a big dream gives me the opportunity to see my limitations and overcome them. Most limitations come from thoughts or past experiences that tell me I can’t do it. If I start a project with preconceived ideas on how it will work out, though, I’ve already lowered my potential for success. If instead I throw everything I have into goals that make my heart happy, without regard to memories or fears, then a new power opens up. My mind becomes clear and flexible with a relaxed focus, and I can feel the life energy and divinity in my brain. Boundless love also comes out automatically—infinite love for myself, for others, and for the earth. Applying this power and creativity makes anything possible.
Working and living in this clear and connected state all the time makes me feel more self-assured and energetic. I manage my time better and react to opportunities more quickly. Wisdom and clarity are always within reach. I can ask my brain questions and get the answers I need. My body is also more resilient to fatigue and infection, and I can’t help but smile. Getting rid of negative thoughts and emotions and putting 100 percent effort into well-defined goals lets my body and mind shine with brightness.
To experience such endless and infinite creativity, I recommend setting a clear goal with deadlines and numbers to measure your progress. Then, just move. Don’t let the memories of what happened in the past stop you. Things will be created as you move. The more focused energy you put into your work, the closer you’ll be to accomplishing the goals you’ve set.