
Poem: Who Am I?

I am who I am. I am me. I am Tao.

More than 40 years ago, I desperately searched for answers to the basic questions, “Who am I? Why do I live?” I was so desperate that I went up a mountain to fast and meditate for twenty-one days to receive an undeniable answer to the first question and then another twenty-one days to come to a conclusion about the second. I felt this experience, which exploded in my mind and felt like I was dying, was my enlightenment. At the end of it, I became completely myself and realized that, after all, there is nothing to be enlightened to.

Since then, I’ve worked hard to share the main message I received at that time: Cosmic Energy is my energy, and my energy is Cosmic Energy. Cosmic Mind is my mind, and my mind is Cosmic Mind. Though these were the words that burst into my mind, I also realized that this answer applies to all of us. I share it to fulfill the decision I made in answer to why I am here on earth—I will make a peaceful and harmonious world, a healing society.

I’ve been praised and vilified for the work I’ve done. Thankfully, I’ve been joined by many people, who make it worthwhile. The ups and downs of this journey have led me to respond to the question of “Who am I?” at less fundamental levels. One expression of my thoughts on this was published in a book of my poetry called Songs of Enlightenment. I thought this expression of how people see my work and my brand might help you with your own doubts and struggles and remind you that your true self is complete as you are.

Who Am I? (1)

I have known
Hypocrisy and falsehood
Sin and depravity
Beauty and honesty
Freedom and deliverance.

I don’t wrap myself
In good or evil
Nor disguise myself with authority,
Nobility or even love;
I am who I am.

Loving and angry
I sometimes fast;
I don’t care about the clothes I wear
Sneakers and shoes
Korean clothes or western suits

I seek what I need
But do not hunger for riches;
I never have lied or swindled for money;
I do my work
And accept my reward
Head held high.

Recognition comes as
A by-product of my work;
I don’t demand authority;
Like clothing and shoes

Sometimes people bow to me thrice
At times I accept
Other times I refuse
Usually a handshake is enough.

Gentlemen of Old
For prestige and honor
Wore furs in summer
Walked when it rained;
Masters of lore
For spiritual purity
Abandoned families and lived harshly
Proud to suffer in vain.

Scorn upon any attempt to pigeonhole
What a master should be
Upon criticism of those who seek a path
Where they fear to tread. Newsletter signup banner

Made by those who choose a master
Acknowledging and anointing another
Self-congratulating in hypocrisy
Fulfilled by vicarious mastership.

Cosmos forever changes
Saints and sages
Watch the master see
The eternal law of life.

What is natural is Tao
Tao knows no falsehood
Does not recognize good or evil
Tao is ever changing and harmonious
Aware of its own eternity.

I cannot be defined
I accept my mission
With sincerity
I declare myself as myself.

Not one bit better
Not one iota worse
Just me as I am
No wrapping paper
By nature, neither pope nor president.

I have walked a difficult road
At times lost and wandering
To find myself
True self that I will keep.

Upon a bright star I have seen my soul;
I will brighten the universe
For I know
That I am light and truth
Cosmic energy and cosmic mind.

To be an enlightened master
Cannot be the privilege
Of a few exceptional souls
Extraordinary in ordinariness;
A Master is honest and filled with common sense.

An ordinary person
Ordinary and complete
Bearing witness to natural perfection
Reveling in ordinary completion.

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