
[Video] Get Your Groove Back and Explode Your Joy

Instead of trying to be perfect or feeling trapped, we can break out of our shell. Taking this step can take courage, but we don’t need to find enough courage to be free of our cage at first. If we can muster enough courage to discover our natural inner rhythm, that rhythm will break the cage for us.

Even if we have two left feet or merely shuffle from side to side when we dance, we all have rhythm. Life itself has rhythm and vibration. To find our rhythm, we can let ourselves be more natural. Newsletter signup banner

The simplest way to be more natural and discover this rhythm is through movement, though not a particular movement. If we want to be free, we can move freely. The more we try to move freely, without hesitation or suppression, the more our movements will become natural. Since we are all part of nature, our spontaneous movements, the ones that have not been dictated by society, are also natural.

This principle applies to the sounds we make as well. If we spontaneously make sounds (not words or notes), what comes out reflects our natural rhythm.

Try moving freely, without inhibition, to this drumming music to let your inner joy come out.

How did you feel? Did the drumming help you move? Were you able to get beyond any idea you may have had about how you should move and just let yourself be free?

We can’t move and make sounds freely all day, but we may regularly be able to put aside time to get our groove out. Then, we’ll be better able to apply that freedom, and the creativity that comes with it, to our more regulated words and actions. And the more we do that, the more we can live with joy.

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