
The Key to Unlocking Your Brain’s Creative Power

Asian woman sitting half lotus outside
[Photo by leungchopan via Envato Elements]

Recovering the zero point, a state of pure, neutral consciousness, is essential for maximizing the brain’s creative power and effectively manifesting desired outcomes.

Lately, I’ve been speaking a lot about the importance of imagination for creating miracles in our lives. Visualizing and feeling an outcome we want to create is an important part of the manifestation process. This process is part of the Law of Attraction, but there’s an important step that’s often not mentioned. Without this step, such a universal law may not work. I call this step “recovering the zero point.”

The zero point is a state of consciousness of nothingness, in which thought and emotion have quieted. This neutral state of consciousness doesn’t lean in any direction. Once we have entered a pure, neutral state, genuine change and creation become possible through maximized concentration and brainpower and unbiased and unobstructed consciousness. It’s like having to pass through neutral when changing gears in a car.

When we completely empty our minds, our consciousness accesses the zero point, and we become able to activate this essential creative power without limit. Share on X

If we don’t recover our zero point, however, imagining our goals isn’t effective because, despite our best efforts, thoughts and emotions from long-established preconceptions and habits keep dragging us in other directions. They clutter our concentration and clog our minds, especially our unconscious minds. Recovering our zero point means pressing the reset button of our consciousness. We wipe away the thoughts and emotions in our mind to reveal a blank slate on which we can draw anything.

The blank slate of zero point consciousness is made up of the raw potential that lies at the root of all life. It’s the creative power of our brains that attracts the information and circumstances we focus on. Just as the beating of our hearts is not produced by thoughts or emotions, neither are miraculous occurrences and great stories. They manifest through the essence of life. When we completely empty our minds, our consciousness accesses the zero point, and we become able to activate this essential creative power without limit.

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How to Recover the Zero Point

A simple way to quiet the humming of thoughts and emotions is focusing on the vital activity inside the body. If we focus on how the body feels, after a while, we can sense its life energy. Riding on the waves and rhythms of that energy will naturally release and quiet our thoughts and emotions, leading us to the zero point and its creative potential.

Practice this Training Sequence for Reaching Zero Point Consciousness

Activate Energy with Brain Wave Vibration

woman doing abdominal Brain Wave Vibration
[Photo by Franklin Hughes]
Stand with feet shoulder-width apart and knees slightly bent. Tap two inches below the navel with relaxed fists, alternating the right and left hands. As you tap, start to move your head left to right rhythmically, keeping your head, neck, shoulders, arms, and abdomen relaxed. Release your breath out your mouth. After five minutes, slowly stop and let your arms hang at your sides. Feel your feet firmly planted on the ground as you take three breaths. Then, push up from the ground, bouncing your knees and letting the rest of your body follow the movement in a relaxed way. Close your eyes, and let your entire body vibrate, feeling the vibrations inside. Gradually let your body move as it wants–follow its feeling. It may want to move gently or strongly. It may feel like repeating the same motion or moving erratically. Allow yourself to jump, run, roll, dance, punch . . . anything. Your body knows what it needs to do to free itself from stress, tension, and blocked energy. Newsletter signup banner

Purify Energy with LifeParticle Sun Visualization

LifeParticle Sun
[LifeParticle Sun, envisioned by Ilchi Lee, artist Al Choi]
When you feel freer and more relaxed, sit comfortably with your back and neck straight and your hands on your knees. Imagine this image of the LifeParticle Sun, a sacred geometry symbol of the source of life, enters the center of your brain through your forehead. The LifeParticle Sun emits the purest, brightest form of light. Picture shimmering, golden particles of light flowing from the LifeParticle Sun to your entire brain and down through your whole body. Let the brightness extend out of you, engulfing you in a golden capsule. This capsule is recharging the energy in your body, replacing the dark, stagnant energy that Brain Wave Vibration released.


Feel Energy with Hands

Woman in Sedona, Arizona doing energy meditation with hands
[Photo by Franklin Hughes]
Next, rub your palms together briskly to create a feeling of heat. Bring them up to chest height and face them toward each other, keeping them a couple of inches apart. Feel the heat and other sensations in your palms. Focus on those sensations as your move your hands toward and away from each other, following the rhythm of your breath. These sensations are energy in your hands. You may not feel much at first, but the feeling will strengthen with practice. Continue this meditation for about five minutes to help your mind quiet.

How close to the zero point you come through this practice sequence and what you feel while doing it depends on your current energy state and experience. The more you do it, the clearer your energy will be and the easier it will be for you to enter into a deep meditative state–the zero point. It’s from the zero point that the attractive power of our imagination will be maximized.

Editor’s Note: See more about the zero point in Ilchi Lee’s books: LifeParticle Meditation: A Practical Guide to Healing and Transformation, Change: Realizing Your Greatest Potential, and Connect: How to Find Clarity and Expand Your Consciousness with Pineal Gland Meditation.

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