
Letting Our Inner Light Rebuild the World

[Photo by rakkaustv via iStockPhoto]

Rise above uncertainty and fear by shining your inner light for renewed hope and joy.

Maybe you feel like the world is getting worse and worse. I know I do. That feeling gives me a constant sense of urgency, and at the same time, a calm sense of certainty. I’m certain that I will keep doing whatever I can to help the world, and I’m certain of the inner light we all have within us. I’m also very sure that shining this light is the answer to the many varied problems the earth and its creatures face.

Being the Light of Hope

I hope many people can add this resolution to their list: to reboot our brains in a way that finally allows our inner light, which is our true nature, to shine forth. Our inner light, the bright true self that everyone has inside, is what can connect us all through a giant web of light that unites all life on Earth. We can recognize this light within ourselves and resolve to shine it to the world.

In these dynamic times, uncertainty can bring fear. Rather than responding to fear by encasing ourselves in walls, we can soothe our fears with hope. A natural feeling that radiates from our inner light, hope can be shared. Once we realize light and hope within ourselves, we can be a beacon of hope for others, shining positivity and encouragement whenever we can. Yes, the hard realities cannot be avoided, but from difficult times, beautiful realities can grow. Newsletter signup banner

Cultivating a Bright Consciousness

Letting our inner light shine is just a matter of dropping our false selves. Our egos and any false inner narratives we have cover up the bright inner light that already exists as our authentic being. Recognizing this fact diminishes our ego’s power so our light can shine outward in all its glory.

In the Tao philosophy that I teach, this light in Korean is called gwangmyung. It’s the bright, pure light from the source of all life. Rather than our names, accomplishments, or bank balance, gwangmyung is our essence. Realizing this fact and living according to it will make us become powerful in the truest, most positive sense.

Moving Toward a Better World

Certainly, we have a lot of work to do to make the world better than it was before. Each one of us has a role to play in this process. In addition to resolving to live according to our inner light, we can ask ourselves what we want to do with this life and the powerful light we’ve been given.

The answer to that question that fills us with immense joy and satisfaction is also the best answer for the world. The goals we set based on those answers align with our inner light—our true selves. With these goals, we can bring healing to the world and create a whole new culture for humanity.

However many years we have left here on Earth, we still have so much to give to humanity and the planet. Even more importantly, we still have time to open up and uncover the bright light we hold inside. Our lives are the greatest gift to ourselves and to all the other beings who share this planet because we are the ones who can act with choice and purpose. We can choose to live as the beam of bright light that we are. Let’s start healing ourselves, loving ourselves, and making each other happy. It’s all possible with the light of gwangmyung.

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