
Ilchi Lee’s 2021 Reflections and 2022 Hopes and Goals

Ilchi Lee at Earth Rock in the Earth Village in New Zealand
[Meditating on the steps of the platform at Earth Rock in the Earth Village.]

Both the year we’ve left and the year we’re entering are filled with wonderful people, plants, and animals.

As the new year has approached, I’ve been looking back on 2021. What stands out about the past year are all of the wonderful beings who I’ve had the opportunity to help and who have helped me. These are a few of them:

  • For more than a year, I’ve offered Gwangmyung Arrow Special Training online to people around the world. In this workshop, I helped people use light, sound, and vibration in dynamic meditation to awaken and brighten their inner light. I’m so grateful that I’ve been able to interact with almost 10,000 people through it. They remain in my heart and mind as I think of them often and continue to send them good energy.
  • Ilchi Lee giving online workshop.
    [Giving the GwangMyung Arrow Special Training online.]
  • There were several months I spent in the United States, traveling for the first time since the coronavirus pandemic began. I reconnected with Sedona, Arizona, a place of majestic natural beauty and strong earth energy that fosters creativity and spiritual awakening. While I was there, in addition to meeting old friends, I was able to put together a team of people to create the Love Heals film that will premiere next month. It’s a documentary about taking back our power to heal ourselves and each other naturally.
  • Love Heals poster
    [Love Heals movie poster]
  • I also met Aileen Xu, creator of Lavendaire, a YouTube channel and online business that aims to help people make their lives their masterpiece. I helped her and her boyfriend with their healing journey, and she featured my latest book, Water Up Fire Down: An Energy Principle for Creating Calmness, Clarity, and a Lifetime of Health, in one of her videos.
  • Ilchi Lee with Lavendaire
    [With Lavendaire]
  • For a couple of months of my U.S. stay, I served as an adviser for the managers and staff of Mago Café, a wellness café in Uptown Sedona that was being revived and is being rebranded as the Sedona Wellness Café. People inspired by the cafe’s Brain Education-based natural healing services, healthy drinks, and wellness products are now planning to open franchises in other parts of the country. They café aims to empower customers to make self-care and development an integral part of their lives.
  • Ilchi Lee at Mago Cafe
    [Enjoying organic kombucha tea at Mago Café.]
  • I discovered the excitement of engaging with thousands of people in real time with YouTube Lives. Through Brain Education TV (English) and Ilchi Lee’s Brain TV (Korean), I did live Q&As about once a month in the later part of the year.
  • Ilchi Lee and Linda Yoonjin Suh
    [Behind the scenes at an early YouTube Live with Brain Education TV]
  • Several animals were born on the New Zealand Earth Farm this year, growing our family. Like Daebak Chunson the goose and Lucky the pig last year, one baby animal needed extra help. The piglet Bishiri was too small and shaky to nurse properly on his own, so we had to bottle feed him ourselves until he got stronger. I was so happy and moved that this weak baby could thrive; it just took the power of sincerity and love. I was reminded that every life is precious and that even healthy people can become weak or feeble. But we can all flourish if we don’t give up on each other and offer each other a helping hand.
  • Bishiri the piglet
    [Bishiri the piglet being fed a bottle with milk and water.]
  • The hwangchil trees we planted in the Earth Village have been growing steadily. Their many medicinal properties offer a source of sustainable, natural healing we can share with many people in the future. Hwangchil can help people enhance their immunity and healing ability.
  • Hwangchil tree sprouts
    [Hwangchil tree sprouts]
    Each person, animal, and plant I met this past year let my heart expand. Newsletter signup banner

Hope in the New Year

The current global situation seems chaotic right now, but it also seems hopeful. I always hold onto hope because I know that if I work hard and pray hard enough, the universe will respond to my sincerity and earnestness. Cosmic energy will propel me forward, sweeping in new opportunities for growth.

Every day lately, I’ve been meditating by a special rock in the Earth Village near Kerikeri, New Zealand that I’ve named Earth Rock. I feel the energy of Mother Earth strongly here, and I can feel the heart of nature and of the universe. I’m touched by how much the universe desires peace on earth; it’s pressing and urgent.

I go so deep into meditation here that I hardly notice time passing. In that space and time, I’m filled with the brightest energy, which I resend out to light up the world.

In deep meditation in nature, I’m filled with the brightest energy, which I resend out to light up the world. Share on X

Prayers come to me spontaneously then. They are prayers for peace and for each person to realize and embrace their spiritual nature so that, through them, that peace can be achieved.

In the coming year, through launching the Love Heals film, releasing upcoming books, meeting more people through the Gwangmyung Arrow Special Training, and preparing the Earth Village to receive guests when the pandemic is finally over, I will empower each person to become brilliantly bright inside and out and to live as Earth Citizens who live in harmony with each other and the earth.

I really enjoy doing this look back and look ahead exercise every year. It helps me keep life in perspective. I hope you’ve had many blessings in 2021 and will create many in the coming year.

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