
Discover How Understanding Oneness Leads to Life Mastery

samtaeguk, sam taeguk, with Chun Ji In writing in Korean and Chinese characters meaning heaven, earth, human

By awakening to the concept of oneness, we can transcend life’s challenges, master our lives, and realize our ultimate freedom.

Human life is short compared with the mountains, the oceans, and the wind. What meaning is there, then, in being born a human? It’s important to really understand that. We will be greatly successful if we know the value of humanity that transcends life and death.

Where is the answer to life’s meaning? It’s in the Chun Bu Kyung. In one line of this 81-character ancient Asian text, it says, “In Joong Chun Ji Il (人中天地一)” or, “Heaven and earth are one in humanity.” All of heaven and earth are inside us. It also says that humanity is in heaven and in earth. All is one. Just like the Chun Bu Kyung, everything in the universe starts from One (il, 一) and ends with One.

Chun Bu Kyung, The Heavenly CodeIf we look at this phrase more closely, we can become aware that our greatest goal in receiving the body of a human is not to eat, wear clothes, and go to the bathroom. The reason we came to this planet was to awaken to the One.

The One, because it is one, can become heaven, become earth, and become human. We are One, so we have the ability to think: “I can be healthy, I can be sick, and I can die. I am free in life and death, and free in health and sickness.” Who we are, the One, encompasses all of these. So, we don’t need to worry about them. They are part of who we are, a part of the flow of life. And because we are a part of everything, and everything is a part of us, we can freely choose and create anything.

Once we have this awakening, whether we realize it when we’re young or when we’re older, we are truly fortunate. Then we truly use our brains as their masters. We can do as we’ve chosen instead of as determined by our environment or as we’re told. Newsletter signup banner

Realizing this, what comes next?

To be masters of our brains and our environment, we need ceaseless choice and training. Then, we will be able to go where we want and do what we want. Learning concepts and knowing who we ultimately are comes first; it gives us a map. Then we need to learn techniques. The way to increase quality of life involves techniques.

But techniques (like Brain Education) are not enough. Even when we use them, our ego can be riddled with negative emotion. When we get into those feelings, everything weakens. We forget that we are masters of our lives and why we are here. Especially if we lose hope. People that lose hope can lose the will to choose and act, to even try the techniques.

In order to keep those negative emotions at bay, we can remember that they are simply energy. And, we can change our energy anytime. We need to set the energy of joy, love, and gratitude living deep in our hearts free.

If we act with joy and hope, we can push through even when obstacles come without devolving into negative emotions. We are our own hope, and the hope of the world, when we live each day with gratitude and love.

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  • Now let’s share with all humanity so we can all live in peace It’s the only way…


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